
Associate Professor, FT
Faculty, Sculpture
Associate Professor, FT
Faculty, Liberal Arts
Assistant Director of Campus Life
Staff, Student Affairs
978.921.4242 x1133
Professor, FT
Faculty, Interdisciplinary, Photography & Video
978.921.4242 x1215
Adjunct Instructor, PT
Faculty, Foundation, Painting & Drawing
Adjunct Faculty, PT
Faculty, Graphic Design
Sculpture Studio Manager, FT
Faculty, Sculpture, Shop Managers and Technicians, Staff
Macintosh Administrator
IT, Staff
978.921.4242 x1287
Facilities, Staff
Professor, FT
Faculty, Liberal Arts
978.921.4242 x1609
Staff Accountant
Finance Office, Staff
978.921.4242 x1822
Chief of Staff, Dean of College Relations
College Relations, Staff
978.921.4242 x1113
Professor, FT
Faculty, Foundation, Painting & Drawing
978.921.4242 x1262
Adjunct Instructor, PT
Faculty, Liberal Arts
Professor, FT
Faculty, Liberal Arts
978.921.4242 x1220
Adjunct Instructor, PT
Faculty, Sculpture
Adjunct Instructor, PT
Faculty, Graphic Design
Adjunct Instructor, PT
Faculty, Photography & Video
Adjunct Instructor, PT
Faculty, Foundation
Adjunct Assistant Professor, PT
Faculty, Liberal Arts
Full Time Faculty
Academic Affairs, Faculty, Staff
Professor, FT
Faculty, Graphic Design
978.921.4242 x1219
Director; Curator Exhibitions & Galleries, FT
Galleries, Staff
978.867.9636 x1236
Exhibitions and Programs Manager, FT
Galleries, Staff
Adjunct Assistant Professor, PT
Faculty, Liberal Arts
Director of Admissions
Admissions, Staff
978.921.4242 x1148
Professor, FT
Chair of Liberal Arts Division
Faculty, Liberal Arts
978.921.4242 x1254
Professor, FT
Chair of Studio Arts Division
Faculty, Photography & Video
978.921.4242 x1234
Internship Advisor
Career Design Studio, Staff
Adjunct Associate Professor, PT
Faculty, Illustration