
In the Montserrat Mentoring Program, students receive mentoring and career coaching to prepare for post-graduation success. Each student meets every other week for a semester with an accomplished mentor in their industry of choice. These mentors help them set goals, determine next steps, and build their support network and creative community beyond Montserrat.

Students must be graduating seniors to participate in the mentoring program. To join the program, fill out a Mentoring Program Student Application.

More Information About Mentors & Mentor Matching

Most mentors are Montserrat alumni or creative professionals with connections to the college through faculty or the internship program. Students may also suggest or request specific mentors. Students are matched with a mentor based on the information they provide in their application.

Mentors are required to apply and interview for the position. They undergo a background check and training before meeting with Montserrat students. At the end of the semester, they receive a small stipend for each student they meet with. Interested mentors may apply using the Mentor Application

Montserrat’s Mentoring Program is funded through a generous grant from the Davis Educational Foundation, established by Stanton and Elisabeth Davis after Mr. Davis’s retirement as chairman of Shaw’s Supermarkets, Inc.

Additional Support for Graduating Seniors

In addition to weekly mentoring, graduating seniors have access to 1:1 career coaching sessions through the Career Design Studio.  We can help with job or graduate school applications, budgeting and paying taxes and creating a five-year post-graduation plan.