tubes of paint on a table

BFA Programs

Montserrat College of Art offers Bachelor of Fine Arts programs for every kind of artist. Our interdisciplinary approach to BFA curriculum encourages experimentation both in and outside of your chosen concentration; it’s designed to make the most of your talents and prepare you for success throughout your career.

BFA Concentrations



The Animation curriculum focuses on fostering the understanding of team-based and individual film creation, as well as creative storytelling through motion, acting, and draftsmanship

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Drawing of a person sitting at a desk writing late at night
person smiling holding up a flyer

Art Education

The Art Education program prepares students for their own artistic practice and gives them the tools to support and develop the creative abilities of students in schools and community settings.

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Painting of a figure breathing out clouds with birds around the piece

Book Arts

Book Arts covers all aspects of book creation, including writing, image creation, editing, design, typesetting, preparation of images for reproduction, printing and binding.

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Games, Toys, & Play

Games, Toys, Play encompasses everything from video games and VR to plushies and puppets. Students learn to design and fabricate worlds, characters, artifacts, activities, and experiences for fun, sensory therapy, education, and community building.

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Endoskeleton of a puppet face with screws for teeth
painting of man sitting in a chair

Graphic Design

Our Graphic Design program offers courses designed to teach designers how to capture ideas and structure information using type, images and sound for a variety of platforms.

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A figure walking on a galaxy background with pages scattered around them


Allows students to incorporate various departments throughout the college. Students develop a coherent aesthetic sensibility that addresses their chosen form of expression.

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Montserrat’s Illustration Department has served as the foundation for many accomplished published illustrators, authors, art directors and award-winning designers.

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Painting students explore a range of media and build formal, technical, and conceptual skills while also developing their personal vision.

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Photo, Video, & Film

Photography students explore a full range of still- and time-based imaging tools, materials, and concepts.

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A large black and white print on fabric of a slice of pizza


Printmakers analyze, transform and replicate information using design, drawing, painting, book arts, letterpress, video, and often sculpture and installation.

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A face made of carved wood


The sculpture concentration encourages a range of expression including object making, multi-media assemblage, performance, and installation work.

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Writing and Visual Narratives

This new concentration blends writing and art making with world building and character development with visual image-making and language.

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