
Ethan Berry


“The basic thing that I think I teach is how to go from NOT HAVING an idea to HAVING an idea.”

Ethan teaches in the Printmaking department at Montserrat, as well as Senior Seminar, and has been teaching here since 1977. A producer and designer for film, video, and performance events, he is past president of the Board of Directors of the Boston Film/Video Foundation, which was founded in 1976 in order to provide artists with an organizational support system for the creation of independent film video. He is a co-partner in ART ON DEMAND, a consulting group that provides arts programming and design consulting services. His work has also been shown at the DeCordova Museum, Lincoln, MA; the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston; the University of Massachusetts; the Provincetown Young Artists’ Exhibition; and the Drawing Show at the Mills Gallery, Boston. More recently, he curated the exhibition, Seeing is Believing: Skeptical Print Activity at HallSpace Gallery in Boston in the spring of 2003. His work was also included, with several other Montserrat Printmaking faculty, in the exhibition, Printmaking on the North Shore, which was in the River Gallery in Ipswich, MA in the spring of 2003.

“If I can make students aware of the meaning that they are giving to the things already IN their lives I just might be able to illuminate the possible meanings of the NEW concepts and distinctions that they encounter in their work here at Montserrat.”

Education: B.S., Kutztown State College; M.F.A., Massachusetts College of Art.

[email protected]

Camera, no Camera from ANYEYE on Vimeo: A second collaboration film by Douglass Urbank and Ethan Berry. Patterns and textures were cameraless. The images are found. Cameraless by Doug, Camera by Ethan. November 2014

Learn more about the Interdisciplinary Arts and Photography, Video, and Film concentrations at Montserrat.