A CNC Machine

Digital Fabrication Studio

Montserrat’s Digital Fabrication Studio, located at 301 Cabot Street, is an interdisciplinary lab open to students from all concentrations. The studio offers a space for experimentation with ideas and fabrication, from 3D scanning for stop-motion animation to laser engraving lasagna noodles. The Digital Fabrication Studio utilizes digital technologies to support students in their creative practices. Studio managers and monitors are available to train and assist students with a range of projects involving design, mold-making, 3D scanning and printing, laser cutting and engraving, vinyl cutting, knitting machine, CNC machining, and much more!

The Digital Fabrication Studio is an opportunity for students to learn about techniques, equipment, and software utilized in many job fields of today. Another way to learn more in this space is by applying to be a student monitor. The studio cannot run without the integral help of monitors who help patrons during open hours, complete trainings, and assist with equipment maintenance. 

Digital Fabrication Lab Studio Manager: 
Hannah Jacoby-Brooks | [email protected] 

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