Election Day – Counter Programming!

October 26, 2020

If you need some fun or relaxing distractions from the Election Day news cycle, stop by any of these activities (some virtual, some in person) on November 3rd!

All events are open to students, staff, and faculty!


Online Mutual Support Group with Beth, Baby, Cat & Coffee

9:30-10:15am via Google Meet: meet.google.com/dwg-vust-mvb 

Gear up for election day with some comforting cuteness and mutual support.  The Shlomi baby cam will be in action, with guest appearances from our cat, Callie.  Bring your coffee, a pet (if you have one), and connect with Beth Price Morgan from wherever you are. 


Knitting Circle with Jesse Kahn 

11am – 1pm in H203 (and live-streamed via Google Meet: meet.google.com/xhg-amga-okm)

Bring your knitting needles and yarn, and join Jesse for a knitting circle to calm your nerves and keep your hands busy. Bring your own supplies, but if you need something in a pinch, we’ll have some extras on hand!


Sewing Circle with Colleen Michaels

1:00 pm in The Underground, 248 Cabot

Mending is good for your heart. Actually, sewing can lower your heart rate by 11 beats. Bring your projects for hand sewing, get a tutorial on using a sewing machine, make a new mask, or just enjoy the slow beats of Colleen’s crafting playlist.


Mindfulness Practices During Uncertainty with Vasundhra Ganju 

3pm via Google Meet: meet.google.com/had-uyfm-fja 

This restorative, one hour workshop will consist of education about various mindfulness practices to cope with the stresses of everyday life in these unprecedented times of personal and political turmoil. You will engage in guided mindfulness techniques and be provided with resources to practice at home. 


Plant Potting and Adoption: A Two Day Event

Nov. 3rd in the Tent: Potting Plants with Plant Parenthood 3:00-4:00 

Spend some time caring for baby plants that are in need of tending. Plants and potting materials will be provided.  Meet in the tent, weather permitting. 

Nov. 4th: Plant Adoption @ 3pm in the Tent  


Winds of Change Mural on the Storage Container,

Nov. 3rd. 1:00pm – 3:00

See what the North Wind could blow in. Join us behind the Hardie Building as we redo the vinyl on the storage container. Bring your winter based themes and Illustrator files to print imagery on our vinyl cutter and install it. 

Stress Reduction Yoga for Artists with Janet Dauray

All day, on the Montserrat Galleries’ YouTube Channel

Decrease your tension and increase your calm with this thoughtful program by Montserrat’s very-own Director of Counseling, Janet Dauray. Click Here to Enjoy! 

DISENGAGE with Montserrat Galleries

All day, on the Montserrat Galleries’ YouTube Channel

TURN OFF YOUR TV AND TURN ON SOME ART! Disengage from the madness and enjoy a selection of art videos curated by the Gallery Team. Keep being inspired, keep being active, keep being creative! Click here to DISENGAGE!

Yoko Ono, Cut Piece


WHEN YOU HEAR THE WHISTLE with faculty Heather Kapplow and artist Sholeh Asgary 

6:00-11:00pm  Click here to Join!

Join these artists on November 3rd when you hear the whistle of your own internal teakettle or sense dog whistling around you right below audibility. They will be holding open a long will be holding open a long, swirling, mostly non-verbal Zoomspace to take communal respite within during election eve on both the East and West Coasts of the USA.

Infinite Worries Bash with Caitlin & Misha
Ongoing, 24/7

Share your worries and BASH your worries with the virtual version of the Worries Bash!

Purge/Dancemania 2020! with Jimena Bermerjo

Nov. 10, 11:15am-12:00pm (One week after the election)


Come join acclaimed Performance Artist, Dancer, and Educator, Jimena Bermjeo to attempt to purge the evils of this year. We will meditate, move, play as a way to rid the stress, ideas and energy stored in our bodies. Have a chair, a table or some other object to use as a partner or to perhaps something you want to destroy! Chris Brokaw will be playing sounds and drums to lead us through a cathartic dancemania. Wear something red.