We Design: People. Practice. Progress is a traveling exhibition by Design Museum Everywhere
that brings together creatives from different backgrounds to examine and celebrate the range
of career paths and applications, and their impact on design. The exhibition features career
stories showcasing how people have forged their unique paths into different creative
professions, from graffiti artists and architects to civic designers and research scientists.
Join Montserrat College of Art and Design Museum Everywhere on Thursday, November 18, 5:30-7:00 pm ET for an interactive virtual apparel workshop with Fashion Designer Bless Mazarura and Creative Director/Fiber Artist Noèl Puèllo.
The program will begin with short talks by each designer after which participants will be able to choose a designer to follow into a breakout session. Each room will involve an activity that highlights each designer’s creative practice and how they employ design thinking and creative problem solving. All are welcome to attend; no design experience is necessary.
Register Here
Design is for everyone. Design is everywhere, so we are too. We’re online and we pop-up in places all over the city to engage as many people as possible. And we’re committed to improving the diversity of the design field.
Design solves problems. We are entrepreneurial and flexible, we are not constrained by existing approaches, we start with real-world problems and we’re committed to using design for the greater good.
Design is collaborative. We are a participatory museum, meaning there are many ways for individuals to not only enjoy our programming and content but to be part of it as well. We’re collaborative and community-focused.