Writing Studio Director Colleen Michaels Releases New Chapbook
Montserrat’s Writing Studio Director Colleen Michaels has a new chapbook coming out through Lily Poetry Review.
The chapbook, titled Olympus Heights is a collaboration with writer Kevin Carey. Carey is a fellow North Shore writer, and a fellow employee of higher education, serving as the coordinator for Salem State’s Creative Writing department. Together the two of them have crafted a collection that promises “Greek Gods and Monstrous Neighbors.”
Early praise for the book includes the quote below from Richard Hoffman, author of People Once Real:
“With Olympus Heights, Kevin Carey and Colleen Michaels have done no less than reclaim for us the classical pantheon, restoring its relevance in a cock-eyed and satirical way. Here the gods’ adventures are comedy, the serious kind that pokes fun at the pompous, levels high and low, and calls out absurdity. Using free verse, strict forms, adapted formats, and prose poems, Carey and Michaels give us portraits of power without gravitas, all-too-human gods with no real humanity, a commedia that wryly tucks its incisive political and ethical insights in ribaldry and farce. We — “poor rooked humans, lined up by class” — laugh and understand. What else can we do?”
The two are hosting a reading and book-signing at 9 Dane Street on Wednesday, November 15th, to include food and drinks. We’ll see you there!