Three New Graduates Present Work at Honeyjones Gallery
Three members of Montserrat’s class of 2021 have a new show coming up at honeyjones gallery in Cambridge.
The three recent graduates—Rebecca Anne Nagle, Thomas Rutigliano, and Holden Willard—are contributing to June Moon Union. The show presents “works by three 2021 Montserrat College of Art graduates along with works of florals and a bit of romance for the summer solstice days and moonlit nights.”
June Moon Union also includes artists Maura Glandorf, Nancy DuVergne Smith, and Stephen Bergeron. The show’s first walkthrough opening is June 10th, from 5 to 8 pm, with a second scheduled for June 17th in the same block of time. The show’s closing reception will be held on June 27th.
Honeyjones studio was founded by Julie and Mohammad Ayaz. It intends to serve not only as a gallery, but also a multi-use studio, a small-production theater, and a rentable space for family use or independent educators.
Those interested in seeing more of Nagle, Rutigliano, or Willard’s work are encouraged to check out this year’s Artrageous! auction. All three of the new alumni have work up for bidding, the sale of which will raise money to benefit student scholarship.
Their contributions include Nagle’s “Blue Barn”, Rutigliano’s “Double Blind”, and Willard’s “Geth”. Online participation is free and open to all, and tickets are still available for the June 18th Live Auction event.
Those eager to see June Moon Union in person can find honeyjones studio at 270A Concord Avenue, Cambridge. Be sure to check hours and mask policy before visiting!