Montserrat College of Art Makes a Major Investment in Solar Program to Create a Green College Community with Renewable Energy

Published: April 22, 2022

John Tsiros, Invaleon Technologies Staff,Tom Wu, Founder and CEO of Invaleon Technologies Corporation​, ​Dr. Kurt Steinberg, Montserrat President​, ​Joey Marsalisi, Energy Analyst for Bridge Energy Services​, ​Mark Sassi, Vice President of Operations of Bridge Energy Services​, ​Mark Andrews, Special Projects Manager for the President

Beverly — Montserrat College of Art will begin a greening of the campus with a vast, multi-building solar array beginning this summer. The project will generate the bulk of the electric energy needed to run the campus, and result in beneficial solar incentives to the college over the life of the program of about $1.3 million.

This month, the Montserrat College of Art Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve a $462,544 expenditure for the purchase of the Montserrat College of Art Solar Program encompassing eight buildings in downtown Beverly, Massachusetts. This new program is designed to generate $1,299,322 in total electric savings over 25 years and provide a positive cash flow beginning in 2022.

Dr. Kurt T. Steinberg, president of Montserrat said, “This is an innovative and creative way to create a green college community coupled with substantial electric savings over the next 25 years and beyond. It is especially important that in today’s energy climate, the college can produce clean electric power and save money at the same time. Montserrat will now be one part of the solution to global warming.” 

Invaleon Technologies Corporation (Invaleon Solar), a National Solar Developer EPC, headquartered in Haverhill, MA, was selected through a competitive bid process to provide solar installation services for the college. Invaleon will donate the solar array and equipment at the college’s 9 Dane Street building, estimated at $25,000 in value. In addition, Invaleon has generously offered  to donate a $25,000 endowed scholarship which will add to the college’s ability to help students’ pay for their college educations.

Mr. Tom Wu, Chief Executive Officer of Invaleon stated, “Invaleon, along with Bridge Energy, is proud to be helping Montserrat College of Art in making a meaningful and local impact towards their sustainability and education goals. In addition to installing approximately 200kW of rooftop solar across the Montserrat campus, Invaleon will be providing scholarships to help close the gaps between STEAM education, renewable energy, and local community outreach.”

Montserrat accessed the Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) program to help cover the financing of the Solar Program, the college will receive Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) incentive payments totaling $768,828. The buildings to receive solar panels include 23 Essex Street: The Hardie Building, 26 Essex Street; The Student Village, and 301 Cabot Street. These three buildings represent an estimated solar kilowatt capacity of 82.3% of the entire Montserrat Solar Program. The total State SMART program of $768,828 represents not only one of the largest incentives ever obtained for Montserrat, but it will cover the entire cost of the Solar Program plus the planned operation and maintenance costs.

In the Spring of 2021, the College engaged Bridge Energy which has serviced 100 organizations in higher education, non-profit groups, healthcare, and local governments in New England. Bridge Energy has been a valued partner of Montserrat College of Art in the development of the Solar Program on campus. 

Dr. Steinberg said, “This Solar Program represents a milestone in Montserrat’s strong commitment
to sustainable energy for the future. Our Solar Program has the capacity to
generate* 240 MWh *per year which amounts to enough electricity to power 24 average residential homes and reduce campus CO2e emissions by 62 metric tons per year. That’s also comparable to planting 2,800 trees in downtown Beverly. We are so very grateful to Invaleon for their support of our sustainability efforts, but also for their generous scholarship funding.”

Montserrat College of Art will be partnering with the Invaleon Technologies Corporation of Ward Hill, Haverhill Massachusetts in designing, engineering, and constructing the Solar Program. It is estimated that construction will begin this summer 2022. The College will be financing the $462,544 with People’s United Bank.

About Montserrat College of Art

Montserrat College of Art is a private, residential college of art and design leading the way in preparing tomorrow’s designers, artists and art educators who will be problem-solvers for a world that requires creative solutions to ever-changing challenges. With four international programs, 12 concentrations and required internships, the college is forging new relationships that fuse art and design with entrepreneurship. Montserrat alumni are employed by some of the country’s biggest brands, including Disney, Puma, Hasbro and more. Additionally, the college offers year-round classes for adults and youth and is home to six, free, galleries which offer year-round public exhibitions and lectures. Montserrat is “Where Creativity Works.” 


About Invaleon Technologies Corp. 

Invaleon Technologies Corporation is a National Solar Developer EPC headquartered in Haverhill, MA. Invaleon develops nationwide and is the premier EPC of the Northeast, having developed and installed more than 120+MW to date. Invaleon applies innovative design solutions for commercial distributed generation and utility solar photovoltaic installations. Our diverse in-house team of engineers, financial planners, utility experts, and fully licensed electricians have a wealth of experience in designing, building, and operating solar PV installations.