Meagan Grant, the Director of the Academic Access Studio, has recently had her work published as part of Mothers’ Days.

Published: June 3, 2021

Meagan Grant, the Director of the Academic Access Studio, has recently had her work published as part of Mothers’ Days.

Mothers’ Days is an effort by An Artist Residency in Motherhood, “a self-directed, open source artist residency to empower and inspire artists who are also mothers.” For the project, the groups’ Artists-in-Residence-in Motherhood were invited to simultaneously record the events of July 15th, 2019 (in as much or as little detail as they chose). The work is now collected in a 388-page book that includes the work of 81 people from 19 countries—all of whom are artists and mothers to children from six weeks to 33 years old.

While the book is available as a PDF, it has now been officially printed and released in hard-copy. This is the first book the organization has published, and is opening with a limited run.

Lenka Clayton, who founded An Artist Residency in Motherhood says that it “was born out of a feeling of invisibility that I felt as a parent, and that I heard others experienced too. Though parenthood is an ongoing dance of tasks and experiences and near-constant engagement, I’d often find myself at the end of the day thinking I had done nothing all day. Mothers’ Days is a 388-page document of what happens when nothing happens.”

Prior to the publication of the book, Meagan’s work joined the other 80 mother artists’ work in the “Labor: Motherhood & Art in 2020” exhibition at the University Art Museum at New Mexico State University back in February of 2020 (pictured).

If you’d like to hear more about what Meagan Grant has been up to the past 18 months can read about her show at the Matz Gallery as part of the Writing Mothers’ Workshop, as well as a long-form interview she did in the spring of 2020.