Kimiko Johnson (’22) Featured in International Poster Competition

Published: April 14, 2021

Kimiko Johnson (‘22) was recently accepted to the Wonders 2020 International Poster Competition!

The International Exhibition, entitled “Wonders 2020” received 1,815 entries from 32 countries. This was the first exhibition held by the Borderless Graphic Designers Group, an international group of graphic designers originally formed in Vancouver, Canada.

The jury was composed of a collection of international artists: Alexander Faldin (Russia), Markus Weisbeck (Germany), Elizabeth Resnick (USA), Kye Soo Myung (South Korea), Olga Severina (USA), Rujiyanto (Indonesia), Chepe Jose Luis (Mexico), Anna Klos (Poland), Eric Boelts (USA), and Chang Fang Pang (Taiwan).

Artists submitting to Wonders 2020 were asked to depict the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on Christmas 2020.

Johnson’s submission was originally a project from her “Art and Design of the Poster” course, taught by John Colan. You can see the result of her hard work pictured here! The curious are encouraged to follow this link to see the international collection of selected works.

You can see more of Johnson’s own work at her website,