Professor Martha Buskirk Appears on WNPR

December 15, 2022

If you were driving through Connecticut last Thursday afternoon, you might have heard a familiar voice on WNPR. Professor Martha Buskirk recently participated in an episode of the Colin McEnroe Show to help the host (and the listener) explore the question of whether “everything original has been done.” Other guests included Jill Magid, Brian Francis Slattery, and Kirby Ferguson.

Prompted by the question of whether it is possible to create anything new Buskirk, turned the idea around: is it possible to truly repeat anything?

“There are so many examples of it being utterly impossible to repeat something.  There is a tendency to want to draw comparisons, and that in a sense can undermine the idea of newness. I teach at an art school I find myself doing that in crit situations… It’s a way of trying to understand something but it also can be used or perceived as undermining the notion that what you’re doing is new or different or interesting.”

You can listen to the whole episode and hear more of Buskirk’s insight at