3 Decades

November 23, 2021

3 Decades (remix)  

Paul M. Scott Library Gallery
November 22 – January 14, 2021

Brook Boucher

Lesley Garcia

Coco Haseltine

Rowan Hoyt

Jo Joseph

Kali Orna

Trevor Rubin

Daniela Serratore

Kerrigan Upton

3 Decades is an amalgamation of local resident Pat Healy’s childhood as captured through three decades of photographic slides. The slides have been mixed up, torn from their original time and context, shuffled, and patched into tapestries of three illuminated columns that contemplate the ephemeral nature of memory. Obsolete technology is revived and given new life, and QR codes transport you to the soundtrack of Pat’s childhood.

Inspired by a donated family archive that was bound for the curb, this installation was created as part of the class Drawing in Space with Liz Nofziger.