Counseling Services

At Montserrat, counseling services are provided from a strengths-based, non-judgemental perspective.  An eclectic range of modalities are utilized to support students’ emotional and creative development.

Counseling can cover a wide range of topics, such as the transition to college, healthy relationships, anxiety, depression, academic stress, time management, roommate disputes, managing unhealthy habits, trauma, and neurodiversity-related challenges. Students are welcome to contact Elisabeth for free, confidential, short-term counseling or for a referral to an off-campus treatment provider if preferred or recommended. 

Counseling at Montserrat is approached with an ongoing commitment to equity, access, anti-racism, and harm reduction. We are always open to feedback on ways we can best meet the needs of all Montserrat students. Outside school hours, or if preferred at any time, all Montserrat students have access to Uwill, our free, 24/7, mental health support and referral service. Students can call 833.646.1526 to access the support line or create a profile using your school email here.

The Montserrat Telehealth Room is available for students who need a private location to meet virtually with health providers.