Writing Studio Director Colleen Michaels Featured in Eastern Iowa Review

Published: March 3, 2021

Writing Studio Director Colleen Michaels is celebrating the publication of another poem! Her latest, “The Snow Explains Its Falling to You” has now been published in the Eastern Iowa Review, as part of their thirteenth issue, “Winter.”

Some of Michaels’ other poems recently appeared in Nixes’ Mate. “Hunger is a Suit Like Farrah’s” and “Rescues” can be found in the magazine’s combined 16th/17th issue

If you’d like to hear even more from Michaels (and why wouldn’t you?), head over to the Montserrat Galleries YouTube page. Most recently she read some of her work as part of NEXT NOW + SHIFTS // IN SPACE (her contribution begins at the at 10:44, though the whole video is a recommended viewing experience).  Along with Blaine Hebbel, Dawn Paul, and Hugo Pellinen, Michaels also participated in CASE SENSITIVE, a joint reading and conversation about inspirations, projects, and community. Both events were tied to, SHIFTS, an exhibition in the Schlosberg Gallery composed of the creative work of Montserrat’s staff.

Michaels also hosts The Improbable Places Poetry Tour, which brings poetry to unlikely places like tattoo parlors, laundromats, and swimming pools. Yes, in the swimming pool. 

Her poems have appeared in journals and anthologies including BarrelhouseThe Paterson Literary Review, Mom Egg Review and Raising Lilly Ledbetter: Women Poets Occupy the Workspace (Lost Horse Press). Her poems have been commissioned as installations by The Massachusetts Poetry Festival, The Peabody Essex Museum, and The Trustees of Reservations.

Click the first line below to read the rest of “The Snow Explains Its Falling to You.”

Because I could see your incantation as breath on the solarium pane. I heard the pen across white-lined paper as morning vespers, summoned…