Morgan Dyer (’13) Profiled in Darling Magazine

Published: July 15, 2020

Photo by Gregory Moore

Montserrat alumna Morgan Dyer (’13) was recently featured in the magazine Darling. Darling is a quarterly, LA-based women’s magazine built upon a foundation of female empowerment. The profile explores many aspects of Morgan’s practice, from the early inspirations that drew her to a creative life to the way she uses nature to shape her art.

She also discusses her time at Montserrat:

As an undergrad, I struggled with what material and message I wanted to carry with me out of college. A professor of mine, Rose Olsen, helped me believe in my gifts for color and composition. She taught me to note and remember moments that made sense to me while mixing my paint. I took her color theory class three times. That was the point I knew that painting would be my lifelong challenge.”

Be sure to read the whole profile at Darling’s website: “Abstract Artist Morgan Dyer Uses Nature as Her Canvas.”

Morgan’s own site can be found at

For the month of July, Morgan is raffling off an original panting to raise money for the Loveland Foundation, an organization working to provide black women and girls access to culturally competent, quality therapy. The raffle page can be found here.