To Apply for Financial Aid

Our preferred filing date for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is March 1st though we continue to review applications for aid well after that date. Applications received after March 1st will be reviewed on a funds available basis. Please note that the FAFSA must be completed each year that a student wishes to be considered for federal, state, and institutional need based aid.

  • Montserrat College of Art’s FAFSA school code is 013774.
  • If chosen for verification documents are due by July 1 BEFORE the school year begins.

Merit Scholarships

Presidential Scholarships
All applicants who complete requirements for admission by preferred deadlines are eligible to be considered for one of Montserrat’s merit-based scholarship opportunities. These scholarships are based on the applicant’s portfolio and academic achievement. Students are informed of their Presidential Scholarship in their acceptance letter for admission.

Full Tuition Scholarships
Montserrat College of Art offers a limited number of full-tuition scholarships to those students who have significant academic achievement, demonstrate strong artistic talent, and showcase qualities that prove they are an ideal match for Montserrat’s environment both in and outside the classroom. Students are automatically considered for Montserrat’s Full Tuition Scholarships when they apply for admission to the College and are notified of this achievement in their acceptance letter.

Beverly Scholarship
Montserrat College of Art offers all Beverly citizens who meet the admission requirements a scholarship each year for four years if they enroll as full-time student. This applies to permanent citizens of Beverly who have lived in Beverly for a minimum of 2 years prior to attending Montserrat. This special scholarship is in recognition of the College’s interest to give back and educate artists in our community. This scholarship directly reduces the amount of any merit-based award.

NOTE REGARDING ABOVE SCHOLARSHIPS: Students who complete a FAFSA are also considered for additional need-based grant awards. Students who are awarded institutional financial aid (merit-based scholarships) must be full-time students, carrying a minimum of 12 credits, to receive the full award commitment from the college. Students who are awarded merit-based scholarships, but are carrying less than 12 credits, will have their institutional award prorated by their level of participation. Students must carry a minimum of 6 credits to qualify for institutional financial aid.

Federal Student Loan

When you complete a FAFSA you are not only applying for need based grants and scholarships, you are also applying for federal student loans. Make sure you carefully read all of the details pertaining to the various loan options. We recommend that you review and compare all of your financing resources to ensure you are selecting the best choice for your needs.

Montserrat College of Art recommends that our students and parents consider all federal loan options before considering an alternative loan. The US Department of Education provides information on the differences between Federal and private loan programs on their website:   Federal Student Aid.

For students: A subsidized federal loan is a need based loan. The federal government subsidizes the interest while you are in school and during authorized periods of deferment.

An unsubsidized federal Direct Stafford loan is not a need based loan. You will be charged interest on the portion that disburses to Montserrat College of Art (generally ½ in the fall and ½ in the spring).

New students must complete a Master Promissory note and complete Loan Entrance Counseling before a loan can be disbursed.